Saturday, November 18, 2006

My wife came home with the same amazing tool, only it was all metal. I asked her where she got it, and she said it was in a sale bin at some home store, like Home Depot. It had no label on it, so I couldn't figure out the manufacturer. I've been surfing on the internet for days, trying to find it for a xmas gift for male relatives, without luck. Finally, I found it as part of a set for 60 bucks. Since I wanted just the one tool, this didn't help, but what did help was the name of the thing. It's called a 4-in-1 spatula. Armed with this knowledge, I was able to find it in multiple places on line. The place I purchased my half-dozen was, of all places, That's right, the moving people. They have one for 6 bucks. Now that's the right price...

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